Developing Loud

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
npm install


Install linters globally:

npm install --global eslint

Now you can run linters:

npm run-script lint


If linting fails, try to install specific versions of linters. You can find version numbers in the Continues Integration configuration.

Checking documentation

Install tools:

npm install --global write-good

And check writing:

npm run-script check-writing

Testing in browsers

Install karma plugins for testing in specific browsers:

npm install karma-firefox-launcher
npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher
export KARMA_BROWSERS=Firefox,PhantomJS


Karma launchers are not installing automatically. You should choose yourself in which browsers you will test.

After installing launchers, build the sources:

mkdir build
npm run-script build

Now you can test with karma:

npm run-script karma-test

Running all the tests

npm test


You should have already installed all the dependencies, linters and karma launchers at this point!

Getting code coverage

npm run-script coverage

The coverage is in the coverage directory.


Code coverage should not drop below 100%.

Generating JSDoc

npm install --global jsdoc
npm run-script jsdoc

The JavaScript documentation is in the jsdoc directory.

Generating documentation

You need to install sphinx (a python-tool) to generate documentation:

pip install sphinx

Now you can generate documentation:

npm run-script doc


Just before release, generate distibution files:

npm run-script build


Don’t forget to commit the generated files for bower.

Releasing a new version

  1. Find all the strings with the previous version and change it for the new version
  2. Commit changes with the commit message: “Bump version”
  3. Tag commit as ‘vX.Y.Z’
  4. Push changes with tags